Judy Gillis, MC, CCC and...?

 What an ordeal the last few hours has been! First I discover that my WordPress site at judygilliscounselling.wordpress.com is inaccessible to me, then I discover that I cannot report this fact to them without logging into my wordpress account, which I cannot do. Anyway, you'll note some of my archived information in my previous post. :)

Since the last time I posted, in the summer of this year, much has changed and I wanted to update my readers, if they ever find me (LOL). 

I'm now almost a year into private practice. I wrote my entrance exam to the PEI College of Counselling Therapists on October 27, 2022, and I am awaiting the results. Passing the exam means that I will be able to become a member of the College (like the College of Physicians and Surgeons, only for Master's level counsellors!) and use the title, "Counselling Therapist." It also means that more health insurance companies would be covering my services for those with such plans. So if all goes well, the letters after my name will be MC, CT, CCC. That stands for Masters of Counselling, Counselling Therapist, and Canadian Certified Counsellor.

I am still located in downtown Charlottetown, although the elevator in my building has gone out of order, and therefore, I cannot offer in-person services to those with mobility issues (e.g., in wheelchairs or those who cannot do stairs). To that end, I will keep my eyes open for a better space that will allow me to be accessible to more people. 

Photo "office" by Firmbee at Pixabay
I also put my profile in the e-zine Psychology Today, and I've gotten a few hits from there, thus growing my business and paying for the first four months of advertising already. 

On the personal front, I have recently gotten a puppy who is now almost 13 weeks old: a miniature dachshund - not sure if she'll be short or long-haired at the moment, but time will tell. She is a real cuddle-bug! I hope to take her to the office after she has been trained. Stay tuned... perhaps she'll be part of my therapeutic offering. (No pressure, right? haha). 

I still have my business / practice website at www.jggilliscounseling.com and I point new clients to that site so they can fill in an intake form to save us time at our first session. This site here is simply to advise folks of my most recent goings-on, since the dot-com site is a little weak on the blogging side. No matter; I now have this site, to which I will link in the blog section of my dot-com. 

I just wanted to add this brief post to my new site and share it on Facebook so that folks know they can also find me here. Feel free to follow! Until next share...


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