Behavioural Activation

 I just got back from a walk with hubby and the dogs. It's been so muggy the last two or three weeks that walking seemed more of a chore than anything; I would sweat profusely at the end of even 20 minutes. But tonight, the humidity went down a bit, as did the temperature, and now only my face and neck are moist. I'll take it!

I'd been feeling a bit down and discouraged about a few things as we came to the end of June 2023. It was a rainy month, and the temperatures seemed cold; the grass was wet EVERY day. 

Free photo by Susanne06 at
Near the end of June or the beginning of July, I had a health scare and started taking seriously the food choices I was making, and the activity level I was settling for. To combat getting my shoes wet, I got some rubber boots (pink, why not?) and started taking the puppy out on a regular schedule, which started around 8:30 am. Within 3 weeks, she was going "outside" to do her business (on leash of course) more than half the time, and a habit was born for me. Encouraged, we started ranging farther on our walks. And our 3-year-old Pomeranian joined us for the evening walk with my hubby taking the puppy's leash and me taking the older one, which works out excellently for all of us.

My health-tracker/watch had me walking only 1,500 steps a day when I started. Now I'm up to about 6,000 steps, sometimes even 7,000. The muscles in my legs are firmer. I'm starting to lose weight for the first time in about six months, (thanks, Noom - I'm on my 3rd year with them). Bonus: my dogs feel better.

And I feel better. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. I put into practice what I tell my clients to try: behavioural activation. Get up, get moving, look after yourself. This gives you the message that you're worth looking after! And it's true - in my practice and in ACTUAL practice.


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